
UN Climate talk begin in Tianjin, China

UN Climate talk begin in Tianjin, China Tianjin, China 4 October 2010 The final meeting before the annual Climate conference (COP 16) begin in Tianjin, China from 4 October 2010.

UN Climate talk begin in Tianjin, China Tianjin, China 4 October 2010 The final meeting before the annual Climate conference (COP 16) begin in Tianjin, China from 4 October 2010. Government participating in the meeting express a high regard to People´s Republic of China for excellent arrangements in hosting the meeting. More than 3000 participants from about 194 UNFCCC signatories’ countries are participating the Tianjin meeting.

The interesting fact is that, the event is the first time that China, the world’s biggest source of greenhouse gases, has hosted a UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meeting. The welcome ceremony was attend by Mr. Dai Binggue, State Councillor of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Xie Zhenhua, Vice Chairman of National Development and Reform Commissions of China and Mr. Haung Xinggue, mayor of Tianjin Municipal government with the Ms. Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of UNFCCC. In the welcome address, Chinese officials focused on two major fact: China commitment on Legally binding agreement on Climate change and enunciate China as fast growing economy. Ms. Figueres in an opening ceremony says, “As governments, you can continue to stand still or move forward. Now is the time to make that choice”.

Parties really feel warm hospitality in Tianjin, during the intervention at opening plenary of AWG-LCA representative say, “From our arrival at the various points of entry, we were met with excellent hospitality and charm. We feel the warmth of the people of Tianjin. We therefore, thank the Government of China”. In the meeting, Lesotho on behalf of LDC in an opening ceremony recalls Chinese say, ¨A journey of a thousand miles starts with a first step¨ and hope that Tianjin is better place to start those few steps for a successful Cancun.

One of the interesting aspects in Tianjin negotiations is how the interface will play out between elements of Copenhagen Accord and other positions that are opposed to it in the new text. Issue of Finance, draft decision on REDD+, on discussion about MRV (Monitoring, reporting and Verification), issues on LULUCF (Land use, land use change and Forest) are other important issues in Tianjin talk.

Finance has always become critical and key to the effective implementation of adaptation, mitigation, technology transfer and capacity building particularly for LDCs and other developing countries. Along with this, there is a need for adequate and accessible financial support with new and additional finance over the existing ODA has become more urgent in the face of continued adverse effects of climate change and the associated delayed actions on reducing emissions.

For LDCs like Nepal, Adaptation is a priority and urgent issue, there LDC insist on the establishment of Adaptation Framework for Implementation covering full cost of adaptation. LDCs are also hopeful that 70% of the 1.5% of Annex I Parties´ GDP will be made available to the LDCs thereby maintaining the preferential status as the most vulnerable Group. Further, in Adaptation, LDCs are in favour of Adaptation Committee, with representation from LDCs, the creation of international and regional centres and creation of mechanism for loss and damage.

Last year’s UN climate summit in Copenhagen has disappointed many of us when it failed to produce a global and legally binding treaty, so it’s the challenge for the parties (government) to make the week fruitful.

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